Medical Air System are used in hospitals to provide safe and cost-effective source of medical gases for the clinical applications. In this article, medical gases are described in terms of types and purposes. Moreover, a general overview of Medical Gases Pipeline Systems (MGPS) components and design is covered.
Medical gases are used for patient's healthcare in different ways. In the early of 1950s, healthcare providers recognised the hazards of using heavy high pressure cylinders of medical gases. Instead, Medical Air System are provided by medical gases pipeline system (MGPS). It is safe, permanent and cost-effective mean of provision. In general, medical gases are specific gases that are separated from the air individually for various medical applications. Commonly used medical gases in hospitals are
• Oxygen (O2)
• Nitrous oxide (N2O)
• Medical air 400 KPa or 4 bar (MA 4)
• Medical air 700 KPa or 7 bar (MA 7)
• Carbon dioxide (CO2)
• Nitrogen (N2)
• Medical vacuum